Adopted 10/2022
Mission Statement
To satisfy curiosity by bringing the library and community together.
Vision Statement
The Jackson City Library is an integral partner with the community that strives to provide access to community resources. The library meets the lifelong learning and enjoyment needs of our citizens through no cost services.
Strategic Directives
- Optimize Assets
- Mindfully plan programs around accessibility and economy. (reusable supplies, perform an evaluation after each program and collect data at each program to be cost aware).
- Conduct studies for computer use, circulation, meeting room use, and non-traditional items and leverage assets properly.
- Invest in staff (conference attendance and professional development).
- Promote website usage through training documents, educational hand-outs, library materials, and giveaways or promotions.
- Enhancing Outreach
- Active presence in area schools and involvement in afterschool programs for K-12
- Utilize the outreach van (nursing homes, fairs, festivals, underserved areas, senior center).
- Develop a more accessible library outside normal business hours through pickup lockers and “mini branches” at other community locations. (Funeral homes, dr. offices, etc.)
- Print flyers and monthly calendars distributed to the community.
- Know Your Community
- Expand our communication beyond Facebook and local media.
- Partner more with area organizations (Arts Council, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Kiwanis, etc.).
- Work with the Chamber of Commerce to help advertise programs and gain insight on what other organizations are doing in the community.
- Direct the community to common resources for the answers to their needs (on site service worker, for example).
- Satisfy Curiosity
- Piggyback on the after program evaluation–collect data to improve future programs.
- Library will provide resources and activities for STEAM (what they wouldn’t normally get at home).
- Partner with the Arts Council to have rotating art displays.
- Record in-person programs digitally for YouTube channels.